Open Principles to research and develop models for creating Open and Sustainable Organizations

November 30, 2024 (1y ago)

Every business has its own intrinsic value, rooted in its competitive advantage and unique qualities. These are the elements that allow it to thrive, add value to its employees, and serve customers who buy or use its products and/or services.

If we take a step back and look at this from a broader perspective, the competitive edge of a business goes beyond the product or service itself which can often be copied. In today’s globalized market, where variety abounds and monopolies are discouraged, what truly sets a business apart is how it operates. This advantage comes from the workflows, the step-by-step procedures businesses use arranged in a specific order in time and executed within logical frameworks. These workflows operate within logical frameworks executed recursively, allowing for the production and commercialization of products and services while maintaining the intrinsic competitive edge the business delivers to its consumers.

Building on this foundation, it is crucial that this operational model also embraces sustainability, transparency and inclusivity as core principles. Sustainability, in this context, means embedding practices and tools that are integral to the company’s structure and designed for long-term viability. Open-source applications play a pivotal role here, offering adaptable and customizable solutions that can evolve with the business. Their independence from the life cycle of the original developer ensures continuity, reducing reliance on specific entities and fostering resilience. Transparency and inclusivity, on the other hand, ensures that the model supports interoperability across all processes and participants, creating a seamless flow of information and collaboration. By integrating these values, businesses can create systems that not only optimize performance but also align with modern ethical and operational standards, empowering both their people and their operations.

Beyond workflows and frameworks, company culture plays a crucial role. It shapes how these processes are carried out by embedding core principles and values.

At this stage is crucial the implementation of a meritocratic model that fosters both individual growth and organizational development. Such model creates opportunities for emerging leaders and accelerates learning. It helps individuals find their best fit within the company's operations, maximizing their potential while aligning their roles with the organization's needs. These principles, grounded in the core values of the business, serve as the bedrock for building a dynamic, motivated, and forward-thinking team that is well-prepared to adapt and drive the company’s success.

The true value of a business, then, lies in three key pillars: its workflows (the processes it follows), its frameworks (the logical structures organizing those processes), and its principles (the cultural values driving the organization). These elements are what make each business distinct and competitive. Standardizing them across industries would dilute their uniqueness — imagine enterprise software that forces employees to conform to rigid systems instead of adapting to the specific needs of the company.

My goal is to develop a model for an open oranization — one that integrates the principles of open-source not only in the digital tools that are now fundamental to every business but also in the core operational processes. This would enable a more structured yet highly customizable approach to existing workflows, fostering quicker adoption by current employees and providing an immediate operational advantage. Moreover, it would simplify onboarding for new team members, allowing them to quickly grasp and contribute to the company’s activities.

Over the past year, as I have taken on the role of administrator of my family business, I have begun applying this approach through our new brand, Coutique. This initiative serves as a testing ground to explore and implement this methodology in a real-world context.

I want to invite all those passionate about this topic to engage in a constructive dialogue that fosters the development of innovative models for a more dynamic approach to business management — models that carry forward the principles of open-source across all areas of enterprise operations. I am committed to sharing this journey in full alignment with open-source ethics, with the hope of building a community that embraces these values. Let this be just the beginning of a collective effort to redefine and enrich the way we manage and grow our businesses.